
The Come-back

I know, I know… It’s been 3 months since I’ve last posted on the blog *types shamefully while getting red cheeks*. Three Birchboxes, countless empties and many hauls have gone by, and I haven’t written anything.
What happened ?? I’d say life happened, but I might owe you a better excuse explanation.

Basically, I started Anais Loves in April this year, after deciding to stop thinking about it and to actually do it. I’ve been reading beauty, fashion and lifestyle blogs for years and having my own little happy and inspiring place on the Internet has been a dream of mine ever since.

The thing is, writing and taking photos is my hobby. And as such, it can sometimes fall behind overwhelming workloads or personal life events. Both my job and my family life got a lot busier this summer – I’ll get more into some of it very soon – and so I didn’t take the time to create new posts for my blog. There really is no reason in particular, or maybe there are tones – but to be honest, I just fell behind.
I’m sorry if I let some of you down. I know consistency is probably the key to be a successful blogger, but right now I still need to find the balance. I need to prioritize more, to stop procrastinating, and to get more sh** done if I want to keep Anais Loves up and going. And trust me, I really really do.
So starting today, with the whole ‘back to school’ (or ‘rentrée’ as us Frenchies say) momentum, I am committing myself to try harder and post more. Do more of what makes me happy, as they say.
I hope you had a fantastic summer, full of love, laughter and surprises.
Now let’s get back on track, shall we ?

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